Wednesday 21 Jan 2004
- Region & Route:
Wales & Western: Wales & Borders
Wales & Western
Network Rail today announced its best performance for the last quarter of the year for four years. Delays attributed to the company tumbled by 26% in the final three months of 2003.
This reduction means that delay minutes were at their lowest level for this quarter since before the crash at Hatfield (17 October 2000). Total delay minutes for October – December 2003 were 3.3 million compared to 4.4 million in the same period the previous year, 3.4 million in 2001 and 7.9 million in 2000.
Iain Coucher, Network Rail Deputy Chief Executive, said: “Rail performance is showing welcome signs of significant improvement. There are many more challenges to be faced, but we are heading in the right direction. We are absolutely committed to making further improvements in train punctuality and making our contribution for a better service for our customers and the passenger.”
Other areas of performance have also shown significant improvement:-
· Delays per incident have been reduced (the first sustained drop for almost four years) with infrastructure causes down by some 16%
· Network Rail’s share of total delay has fallen over the last three months. The company is responsible for 46% of rail delays; within this total external factors (suicides, lineside fires, broken gas mains etc) contribute some 10-12%. Just over a year ago Network Rail’s proportion of delays stood at almost 60%.
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- Broken rails stand at 220 in the year to date, 23% down on the 2002/03 figure. This compares to a peak annual number of 952 broken rails in 1998/9.
Mr Coucher concluded: “These figures are a testament to the work Network Rail has done since acquiring Railtrack in October 2002. Attention to detail, heavy investment in maintenance and renewals, addressing the root causes of delay, outstanding effort by our staff and closer co-operation with the train operators have all contributed to this tangible, and irrefutable, sign of improvement.
“Clear progress can now be seen in our work to address the mistakes of the past. The drive to deliver even better performance continues as we reorganise the company and bring 18,500 maintenance staff in-house which will enable us to focus even more clearly on delivering improvements for the passenger.”
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