Monday 17 Mar 2003


Region & Route:
| Southern
Network Rails powerful education drama, I Dare You, is to be performed to school children at venues in Chatham, Surbiton, Epsom and Crawley. The play highlights the dangers of playing on the railway network and is part of an ongoing  education campaign to deter children from risking their lives, and those of others, by straying onto or deliberately damaging railway property. I Dare You is set beside an urban railway line. It tells the story, in soap opera style, of peer pressure within a gang of teenagers which leads to more and more destructive behaviour on the railway, eventually resulting in a tragedy. The play is aimed at schoolchildren in years 6 and 7 (aged 10-12). This age group was chosen as the children have not yet reached a typical age when they may be tempted to become involved in route crime such as trespass and vandalism. The themes of the play are also linked with key personal and social educational issues for schools, such as peer pressure and bullying. To help reinforce these vital messages, teachers are provided with I Dare You 2, a scripted presentation for class assemblies that the children can perform for each other back at school. - more - I Dare You - 2 Since the play was commissioned by Network Rail in the mid 1990s, the I Dare You message has been received by over 250,000 youngsters across the country. Margaret Barker, Network Rails route crime manager for the Southern Region, said: “Our aim is to use the powerful medium of drama to educate children in a thought provoking way and show how seemingly innocent antics on the railway can have shocking consequences.” “We believe the play brings home key safety messages to children in a way that has real impact, as well as being interesting and relevant to young people’s culture.” “If just one child comes to see I Dare You and then has the courage to say no to their peers when pressured to do something dangerous, it will have been worthwhile.”

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