Pictures & videos

London Bridge - digging out old signal cabling
Tuesday 26 May 2015
- part of the Thameslink Programme

Bermondsey Ghost Station 01
Friday 17 Apr 2015
Greg Thornett, Project Manager, looks at the remains of Southwark Park station, hidden in the catacombs under the railway in Bermondsey

First trains arrive at new London Bridge platforms
Monday 1 Sep 2014
First trains arrive at new London Bridge platforms, part of the Thameslink Programme

Blackfriars Solar Array
Tuesday 4 Oct 2011
Artist's impression showing 4,000 solar panals on the roof of Blackfriars station, making it the world's largest solar bridge (part of the Thameslink Programme)

Queen Victoria - Blackfriars Bridge
Friday 3 Apr 2009
This statue of Queen Victoria, which is more than 100 years old, has been moved from its home on Blackfriars Bridge ready for construction work at Blackfriars station. (part of the Thameslink Programme)

Blackfriars Bridge Slide - Before
Sunday 3 Jan 2010
Network Rail engineers prepare to slide the new bridge structure at Blackfriars station into place (part of the Thameslink Programme)

Grain up starter
Monday 7 Aug 2023
Grain up starter
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